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5 Ways To Relieve Occasional Stress for Teenagers

Hormones and homework can make being a teenager a stressful ordeal. When you’re not quite an adult, but no longer a child, it might be hard to find outlets for your occasional stress or ways to manage everything on your plate. Luckily, there are a few different strategies to help your body deal with new emotions and new responsibilities.

  1. Move Your Body

According to Livestrong, regular exercise can help teenagers maintain both physical and mental health. While it is important to be active to stay in good shape, it is also a scientifically-backed way to release endorphins and support your happy mood. The great thing about exercise is that there is not just one kind, so everyone can find an activity to suit their interests. From outdoor activities like playing on a sports team or going for a run to indoor activities like yoga or rock climbing, finding an outlet for your stress that keeps your heart pumping and your mind busy is a healthy way to maintain a balanced life.


  1. Be Social

Having a network of support to fall back on in times of need is important at all stages of life, but this is especially true for teenagers, who don’t always know how to express what they’re feeling. It can be hard to motivate yourself to go out and be social during periods of stress, but sometimes it is exactly the remedy you need to take your mind off of whatever is bothering you. Highlands Springs Clinic states that spending time with family members or close friends helps to support a healthy mentality. Furthermore, being around positive role models like parents or grandparents can support academic performance.


  1. Get Quality Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things for your body. The CDC advises that teenagers get 8-10 hours of sleep each night. If you are having trouble falling asleep at night, it might be due in part to a lack of consuming the proper vitamins and nutrients. Seeking out multivitamins for teens can be another helpful tool when trying to achieve a more balanced life.


  1. Make a Schedule

If a large part of your occasional stress and anxiety stems from balancing responsibilities, finding a method of organization can be a big help. Making a schedule that outlines all of your commitments for the week will make it easier to manage your time, as you can see what you need to get done and when you are available to do it. If you are more digitally oriented, you can use an online planning system and sync it with the calendar on your phone or laptop. If you prefer to write things out yourself, buying a day-by-day planner is a good choice.


  1. Try a New Hobby

Sometimes the best way to break yourself out of a rut is to try something new. Starting a new hobby can be difficult at first because you have no idea what you’re doing, but that is also the magic of it. It can teach you things about yourself that you wouldn’t have known and help you meet new people. You can take on a new hobby by signing up for a local class, like playing guitar, or you could teach yourself with the help of the internet, like learning to knit. Whatever you choose, keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to look silly.

While life as a teenager can be a bumpy road, there are many tools at your disposal to help you manage occasional stress. Trying out some of the strategies above can help you deal with negative emotions and start taking life one day at a time.