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7 Effective Social Media Video Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Social Media

Video marketing is a great way to connect with customers and promote your small business. It can be used on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, or on your website. 

In this article, we will discuss social media effective social media video marketing tips for small businesses. For best results, however, it’s still best to leave social media video production at the hands of experienced professionals.

  1. Make sure you’re using the right platforms for your videos.

Use various social media channels appropriately. If you don’t have a website, then this is an ideal opportunity to build one up or even set up your own blog about what it is that makes your business special. You could also consider posting short clips of video content onto Instagram Stories so people can get more information from there.

  1. Engage your audience within the first few seconds.

Keep in mind that you only have a few seconds to capture someone’s attention, so make sure your video is interesting and engaging right from the start. You don’t want them hitting that ‘skip ad’ button before you even have a chance! If you can hook them in, they’re more likely to watch the whole thing!

  1. Create teaser videos when needed.

One way to get people excited about your videos is by creating teaser clips. These could be anything from a short clip showing off new products, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks of upcoming events at the company headquarters (or even just an Instagram Story post), etc. 

You can also use teasers to build up interest in future projects. For instance, if you’re doing something big like a Kickstarter campaign, posting some teasers beforehand will definitely help!

  1. Write a captivating headline.

A good headline will catch people’s attention and make them want to watch the video. You need something catchy but not too clickbait-y or they won’t take it seriously. 

Try using keywords related to your business in order for search engines to find you more easily. This can help with SEO (search engine optimisation), which means higher rankings on search results pages. Use strong verbs that show action, such as ‘Watch now’ or ‘Learn how today!’

  1. Share live videos to interact with your audience in real time.

Live videos provide a way to connect with your audience in real time. You can answer questions, give demonstrations and more! It’s also a great way to show off your personality and make connections with potential customers.

  1. Your focus should be on telling a story.

Don’t just make a video for the sake of making a video. Make sure your story is interesting and engaging—people will want to watch it if it is! You could even consider using customer testimonials or case studies to help tell your story in a more interesting way.

  1. Don’t forget the call to action!

Add a call to action at the end of your video. This will encourage viewers to take action after watching it. It could be something as simple as ‘Like this post if you want more videos in the future!’ or even just asking people what they thought about whatever topic was discussed in the video. 

Videos are a powerful tool to use on social media. Consider the tips mentioned above when creating social media videos for your small business, and you should see great results!

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