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Best Low Maintenance Indoor Plants for Gardening Beginners


Gardening is a great way to get some fresh air, exercise and even make some money. But if you’re a beginner gardener or just want to try something new, there are plenty of low-maintenance plants that will allow you to grow your own vegetables without having to invest too much time or energy.

1.Snake Plant

Snake plants are one of the best low maintenance indoor plants to grow for beginners. They are also known as mother-in-law’s tongue or mother-in-law’s ear, depending on where you live and who you ask.

These plants can grow up to 5 feet tall, so if your space is limited then they may not be ideal for you. However, if you have more space then this plant would be perfect!

They prefer high humidity levels and do well in bright light conditions but will tolerate lower light levels too (as long as it isn’t too dark).


Pothos is a low maintenance plant that can grow in almost any container you have on hand. It’s easy to propagate, and it’ll grow quickly if given time. In fact, it’s actually one of the easiest plants to grow indoors, thanks to its ability to adapt easily and thrive regardless of conditions or light levels.

Pothos plants come in different varieties: Some will have variegated leaves; others may be green or red-tinged with white stripes down their stems. They’re also known by other names such as devil’s ivy (because they’re so hardy) or monkey puzzle tree (because they resemble those).

3.Heartleaf Philodendron

Heartleaf philodendron is a low-maintenance plant that grows well in low light. It is also known as elephant’s ear, Mexican hat and spider plant. This attractive houseplant can grow up to 3 feet tall and will add color to your home’s interior decor. Heartleaf philodendron has large heart-shaped leaves that are dark green on their upper surfaces but bronze underneath, making them appear metallic when they catch the light or change color during different seasons. The leaves are very flexible and can be bent back without breaking into pieces; they’re also easy to clean with water because they don’t hold dirt like other plants do (which makes them perfect for beginners).

Heartleaf philodendron is an excellent choice for beginners because it doesn’t require much care besides occasional watering once every few weeks or so depending on how often you want it watered (the soil should feel dry before watering again). You should watch out for spider mites though—these pests love hanging out near large leaves which means they could end up ruining your entire collection if not treated properly!

4.Spider Plant

The spider plant is a great houseplant for beginners because it’s easy to care for and can survive in low light. It’s also a great air purifier as well, making it an excellent choice for your bedroom or bedroom window.

The spider plant needs little watering, only misting weekly with room-temperature water from its base. It prefers indirect sunlight but will do fine in most rooms if given enough light during the day (a minimum of six hours). If you want to grow this plant indoors, make sure that you place it near an east-facing window where it will receive full sun at least half of each day; otherwise, your plant may reach maturity too early and then die off before blooming later on—or worse yet: get eggplants instead of flowers!


Cactus are one of the most popular indoor plants for beginners. They only need water when the soil is dry, and their wide variety of shapes and sizes make them easy to care for.

Cactus come in many different varieties, each with its own unique appearance and characteristics. Most cactus have spines on the top of their stems that can be removed if you prefer not to have them there (though some people find this makes their plant look better). Some cactus also have thorns on their branches or stems. If you’re worried about getting scratched by these thorns, then don’t worry! You can easily cut them off at home with an ordinary pair of scissors once they’ve started growing back again after being trimmed down before planting into your new plant potting medium .


Succulents are low-maintenance plants that can be grown in water. They come in a wide range of colors and shapes, making them a great choice for beginners who want to try out gardening but don’t want to deal with soil or fertilizers.

Succulents are also known for their ability to adapt well to their surroundings—you can grow them on windowsills or hanging baskets without worrying about them getting too much sun exposure or drying out too quickly.

7.Air Plants

Air plants are one of the easiest and most beautiful plants to grow. They require no soil, so you can keep air plants in a pot or hanging from your ceiling without worrying about mold or pests. You just have to make sure that they have plenty of light and humidity!

Air plants come in many different varieties, including jade, spider plant (also called dracaena), golden pothos (also called philodendron), peace lilly/hanging basket plant (also known as Kalanchoe spp.), elephant ear plant (Kalanchoe tubiflora), rocket plant/rocket leaf (Strelitzia reginae).

You can have your own plants even if you’ve never gardened before.

If you’re new to gardening, or have limited space and need a low-maintenance plant that’s easy on the eyes, consider one of these plants.

English Ivy: This vine can be used as a privacy screen or edging. It also makes for great hanging baskets!

Jade Plant: This medium-size evergreen is perfect for indoor containers because it grows slowly but will eventually grow tall enough to shade other plants if left unchecked. The jade plant is known for its smooth green leaves with yellow veins which look like they’ve been painted on by an artist with too much time on their hands (which may or may not actually happen). It’s also super easy to take care of—just keep it watered regularly so that it doesn’t get droopy leaves caused by too much water stress. Many times it is not available in the market because of high demand, so you can order your jade plant online


If you’re looking for a plant that’s easy to care for, low maintenance and looks great in any room of your home then the plants on this list are ideal. They’re not only beautiful but can also bring some much needed greenery into your living space without needing much attention from you.