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Dental Health Care for Seniors and Tips to Keep It Healthy

Dental Health Care for Seniors

Dental care is an essential element of senior general health. Due to a greater awareness of oral health in recent years, elderly persons have been maintaining their natural teeth longer. As a result, the elderly and their caretakers must understand appropriate oral hygiene.

Our teeth have to alter throughout time and as we get older. One must pay attention to their dental health.

How can age affect dental health?

Flossing and brushing teeth might be difficult to accomplish if you have certain medical issues, such as arthritis in your fingers and hands. Dental disorders can also occur in those who are genetically prone to them. Medication, as well as a lack of brushing, might influence tooth health. Cognitive health issues can also exacerbate suffering. This information should be enough to persuade you to make dental care a top priority. According to the American Dental Association, you should see a dentist every six months. Dentists for senior citizens are not hard to find in Calgary. 

Dental health problems in seniors.

Dry mouth.

A variety of circumstances can cause dry mouth. It’s usually a side effect of hypertension, heart disease, or diabetic drugs. It happens when there isn’t enough saliva in the mouth, making it difficult to chew and swallow, and, in more acute situations, making it difficult for elders to talk. A dry mouth can lead to tooth damage and gum disease if left untreated.

Root decay.

Tooth decay around the root is particularly common in senior citizens. Cavities form more commonly along the gum line than at the border of fillings, which explains why. Tooth decay is a problem for seniors who have some or all of their natural teeth. This ailment is also more frequent in those who have diabetes or eat a high-sugar diet.

Gum (periodontal) diseases.

This is the most frequent illness among the elderly. Plaque accumulation causes inflammation, bleeding, discomfort, trouble eating, and complete tooth loss. New research suggests a relationship between diabetes and gum disease, implying that periodontal issues may exacerbate diabetic symptoms.

How to maintain the dental health of seniors at home?

Oral hygiene is relatively straightforward; however, cleaning should be done regularly to avoid tooth decay and other difficulties.

Brush natural teeth with a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least twice daily. Brush in circular strokes, being careful to brush the gums and tongue as well. Tooth sensitivity can develop as people become older; in this instance, use sensitive toothpaste.

Do not forget to floss teeth at least once a day to eliminate food residue. Maintain a consistent flossing and brushing routine. Various single-use, one-handed flossing kits are available if traditional floss is too difficult to use.

Use fluoride mouthwash to help prevent cavities and tooth decay by reducing the risk of plaque accumulation.

Depending on the condition of the bristles, they should replace their toothbrush every three to four months.

Limit your consumption of high-sugar meals and beverages, as these might promote cavities.

Calcium intake should be increased. This mineral is present in various foods, including dairy products, salmon, brown rice, green peas, and more, and helps keep teeth and gums healthy.

To ease dry mouth, drink plenty of water throughout the day, and visit a physician about medication if the issue is severe. Dry mouth is a typical result of certain prescription medications.

Increase your dental appointments for routine oral examinations. This will assist in ensuring that any dental health issues are detected early on, and that treatment alternatives are considered.


Brushing and flossing regularly is adequate for the majority of people. However, as people become older, brushing and flossing aren’t always enough to keep their dental health in control. That’s why you need to visit a clinic that offers dental care for seniors in Calgary.