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Everything you need to know about rhinoplasty surgery in Mumbai

Rhinoplasty is the surgery done to change the shape of your nose. It is a ‘Nose Reshaping’ surgery. Rhinoplasty is also known as a nose job in Mumbai. This is a plastic surgery procedure that alters the shape and appearance of your nose. It may be done to improve any breathing difficulties or the appearance at the same time.

A Nose Reshaping surgery by a professional Cosmetic Surgeon can help you achieve a natural nose that brings harmony to your face and boosts your self-confidence.


Can You do Rhinoplasty?

You are a good candidate for nose reshaping surgery if you want to change the size of your nose, the shape of your nose, or the appearance of the nose.

As part of your initial consultation, you will undergo a complete medical history review, physical examination, and facial photographic documentation. The surgeon will discuss your concerns and whether they can be addressed by rhinoplasty or revision rhinoplasty

The best candidates for Rhinoplasty surgery are healthy individuals seeking to improve the appearance of their noses. Your facial growth should be complete, as the procedure is not recommended for anyone under 13 years of age. While one may consider cosmetic surgery at any age, surgeons typically do not recommend surgery until the face has fully developed.


Benefits of nose surgery

A nose job is a personal choice, and you need all the available information. While non-surgical rhinoplasty can give you your desired features temporarily, but still, we recommend you to opt for a permanent solution by going for Rhinoplasty. The surgery will also correct the deformities caused by injuries or accidents. You can get a flawless, beautiful nose that would complement your face.


You can trust us to make your nose more beautiful! Ours, many years of experience in cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery in Mumbai will result in a perfect improvement of your nose to match with your face.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose, a rhinoplasty (nose job) may help. A nose job can do the following: increase or decrease the size of your nose to match the rest of your face; remove humps and make the nasal bridge smooth; improve breathing problems; and correct deformities from birth or due to injury.


What you Can’t Expect from RhinoPlasty

Rhinoplasty surgery is not a quick way to change your looks. Rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult and complex plastic surgery procedures.

Expectations are key to any surgery, but they are especially important with rhinoplasty. During your consultation, the Nose Surgeon will evaluate your nose and face, listen to your concerns and discuss the surgical steps that can be used to achieve the results you want.

If you are interested in having Rhinoplasty, you should visit the consultation with a clear picture of what changes you would like. You should also be prepared for some disappointments in case the expectations are not realistic.

Take the services only from the best hospital for rhinoplasty

Before Surgery

Before your Rhinoplasty surgery, the best nose Surgeon in Mumbai will speak with you about your desires and expectations vs your present size and shape.

A nose Surgeon will examine your nose and face to determine which method of rhinoplasty would be most suitable for you. Using calipers, I will take measurements of your nose and face. Based on my experience, combined with your input, I will let you know which method is likely to give you the best results.


Rhinoplasty in Mumbai

Rhinoplasty surgery in Mumbai has two different methods- Open Rhinoplasty and Closed Rhinoplasty. The surgeon decides on the method to be used based on the patient’s nasal anatomy.

The Primary Rhinoplasty procedure focuses on correcting nose deformities. While the Secondary Rhinoplasty improves the results of a previous rhinoplasty we take great care to design the fine scaffold of the nose to achieve the most achieve and natural result.  nose, or an Even if you have had a rhinoplasty before, you can still have a second opinion and probably much-improved results.

Once the swelling has reduced, your nose will look more natural and appealing. There may still be a small amount of swelling around the tip of the nose that could last for up to one year. After all of the swelling subsides, you will appreciate a much more sculpted, contoured, and symmetrical nose.