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Five Dental Healthcare Tips for Toddlers

If you have a toddler, you know how hard it can get when you want them to brush their teeth. Some may refuse to brush and break into tantrums. The cooperative ones may do it wrongly and even cause a mess in the bathroom. No need to worry as it is part of their growth process.

Oral care for your toddlers should not be a problem. We got your back by presenting you with dental healthcare tips for your young one.

  1. Get Them a Fancy Toothbrush

One of the reasons why your kid has a hard time maintaining their oral health is their toothbrush. A bland-looking toothbrush is discouraging to most toddlers. Try getting a fancy toothbrush with cartoonish characters and drawings to solve this problem. They may regard it as a toy and look forward to using it, as it is more of a play session.

You may also get them modern toothbrushes, such as Oclean’s Smart Toothbrush. It is an excellent utility that is easy to use and will grab their attention.

For older kids, the Sonic Electric Toothbrush is a worthy present that will encourage them to maintain their dental health.

  1. Brush With Them

Kids look up to us and will follow in our footsteps. In this vein, it is an excellent move to brush with them. They will follow your every move to be like you. Set the right example, like brushing after every meal and flossing regularly.

Make brushing a perfect bonding moment with your child they will always look forward to.

  1. Be Patient with Your Toddler

Kids are prone to make mistakes and may mess up in the bathroom when cleaning their teeth. Correct them gently and show them the right way to do it, regardless of how often they go wrong. Being hard on them will make them dread brushing their teeth and can affect their social skills.

  1. Reward Them

Your toddler gets encouraged to do better when you reward them for good behavior. If they brush correctly, following your footsteps, a reward will make them feel good. Get them the toy they wanted or take them to a place they badly want to visit. You may also encourage your kid by applauding them with soothing words. It will show off their pearly white smiles.

  1. Get The Right Toothpaste

The final tip looks at getting the proper utilities for their oral well-being. Toothpaste is essential in cleaning teeth. The problem is that kids can swallow it after brushing, primarily due to the distant sweet essence that many kinds of toothpaste have.

Go for edible toothpaste brands that your child can swallow with zero side effects. Additionally, check how many calories are in toothpaste if you want to control their weight.


Many parents find getting their kids to observe high dental care standards challenging. They are kids, so we should be patient with them as they learn what to do. Follow the highlighted tips to have your toddlers’ teeth in the right shape.


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