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How to care for a Maine coon cat and Maine coon cost


The Maine Coon is a large, affectionate, docile, and homely feline, although he also enjoys nature a lot. It is one of the giant domestic cats, and the breed was created in the state of Maine in the United States (hence its name) in the early 1950s. And there are several legends surrounding its origin. However, it wasn’t until the 1980s that it became trendy, as it had previously been somewhat “overshadowed” by the Persians.

According to experts, they are not noisy cats, but they are great communicators, and, although they will adore the whole family, they will take one member as a reference figure. We must bear in mind that they are not particularly active and love to eat, so their diet must be controlled not to become obese.

Despite its imposing appearance, it is a cat that is all calm and serene, calm and with a very balanced character. Of course, it is pretty independent and will need autonomy. If you respect that, it will reward you with love and fidelity. As puppies, they are curious, alert, and playful, taking three or four years to reach maturity.

If you have decided to adopt (or already have) a Maine coon cat, you already know everything about them, but do you know the particularities of their care? We will tell you some of them in this gallery.

How much does a Maine Coon cost in terms of care?

It is not a cat that requires particular care, except with its fur, as it will need good brushing, also on the trail, one of its hallmarks, where the hair is somewhat longer and softer than the rest of the coat. In this breed, the difference in size and weight between males and females is remarkable.

As it could not be otherwise, Maine Coons have a great appetite that must be satisfied continuously, making this breed considered one of the heaviest. It is necessary to keep track of their diet since an overfed coon can weigh more than 12 kilos, and together with its sedentary personality, it can be a severe problem.

It has no fuss about eating, and this breed likes almost everything. It is voracious and enjoys eating a lot. But Maine Coons have a soft spot for seafood, which can even turn into an addictive obsession. Maine coon breeders often speak about how the Maine coon cost of living is high because it eats a lot.

How much Should I Pay for a Maine Coon Cat?

The Maine coon cost depends on your decision and many other factors when you decide to acquire it. You could choose to adopt Maine coons from the Maine coon’s cattery or Maine coon’s breeders. You can even get a Maine coon cat entirely for free, maybe from a relative or friend.

However, when you choose to adopt a Maine coon, the Maine coon cost will be around $100 and $250. If you decide to buy it from a Maine coon breeder, you need to be sure you are dealing with a reputable Maine coon breeder like Purebreed. The Maine coon cost is expected to be around $1000 and $2000 from a Maine coon breeder. And the desired Maine coon price range is $800-$2000 from a reputable Maine coon cattery.


To summarize, the highest one-time cost you’ll face is getting your Maine Coon cat home. Depending on how much your new Maine coon costs, you may spend up to $3,000 on your new cat’s initial expenses. There are still ways to save money here, as we’ve already highlighted.

Maine Coon cat breeders can anticipate spending between the ranges of $90 to $500 a month caring for their pets.

Also read What is a Sphynx Cat?

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