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How to fix or remove scratches from glasses?


Scratches on your glasses can be disheartening, especially when you have an expensive pair. Not only does it hinder your field of vision but could be a significant risk when you’re driving. 

If the scratches are deep and cannot be fixed, then you need to replace the lenses or buy a new pair of glasses. However, if it’s only a matter of a few scrapes, then you can use some home remedies to make the scratches on your lenses disappear. 

Here are the DIY methods to remove scratches from lenses. 

#1. Use toothpaste

You’ll be surprised to know that toothpaste can clean your lenses and also fix those cracks or scratches. This is something that’s readily available in every household.

For this method, you’ll need non-abrasive toothpaste. Squeeze a small amount of the paste on the lenses and take a cotton ball or cloth. Rub the cloth on the lenses in a circular motion using gentle force. 

After a few minutes, wash the glasses with clean cold water and wipe them off using a microfiber cloth. If you can still see a few scratches, repeat the process. 

However, if your glasses have a protective coating on the lenses, you must first consult an optician before you perform this method. For instance, if you have anti-glare glasses for computer or UV treatment on your lenses, then this might not be a solution for you. 

#2. Baking soda 

Baking soda is another kitchen item that most of you must have. Take a spoonful of baling soda and put half a spoon of water to form a thick paste. 

Apply this paste on the surface of the lenses and rub it with the help of cotton cloth. After 20-30 seconds, wash off the solution and see if the lenses look clear or not. Do not rub aggressively as it will disturb the protective coatings on your lenses. 

If the scratches are deep, then this remedy might not get you rid of the problem. In that case, you’ll need to replace the damaged lenses with new ones. Or you can buy prescription glasses online in the UK to save your money and get the best value. 

#3. Clean your glasses

Your glasses must have come with a cleaning kit. The kit contains a cleaning solution and a microfiber lens cloth. Sometimes your glasses only need a thorough cleaning session to get rid of all those scrapes and smudges. 

Apply the cleaning solution on the lenses and then wipe your glasses with the microfiber cloth. It will clean the lenses and make them look new again. 

#4. Glass etching

This method is only for plastic lenses that have a coating on the top as the coating will be removed in the process and so will the scratches. The main thing in glass etching creams is hydrofluoric acid which is corrosive and eats up the protective coating on the top. 

However, these coatings cannot be added back to the lenses after the treatment is done. So, you’ll either have to get the lenses replaced or buy a new pair of glasses. So, if you need those add-ons in your lenses, then this method is not for you. 

You can buy glasses online in the UK if you want to buy a new pair. You’ll get high-quality lenses, designer frames and trendy styles everything on a budget. 

#5. Metal polish

Another great remedy to clean the scratches off your plastic lenses is using a metal polish. Apply a small amount of this polish on the lenses (only the part with scratches). Rub it for a few minutes and clean your lenses so there’s no residue on the lenses. 

This is a time-consuming method and must not be used on glasses with protective coatings. 

These were some of the temporary quick fixes for your scratched lenses. However, none of these methods guarantees 100% results and you may still see a few scratches even after using these methods a few times. 

Using these products on the lenses can be a risky business and do more bad than good. So, it’s always better to buy new glasses or reglaze your existing pair and get new lenses to fit into your current frame. 

Therefore, if you’re unable to remove scratches from glasses all by yourself, consult an expert to get the job done.

Also read How to fix or remove scratches from glasses.

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