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How to Subdue Anxiety before Surgery with Transcendental Meditation

We live in an uncertain world, where an unprecedented mishap can thrash us apart anytime. This mishap can drive us into emotional turmoil, and our life becomes depressed and full of despair.

That depression grows even worse if we have to face a series of surgeries to become fit and functional again. On the other hand, several medical specialists say that this fear of surgery becomes a psychological problem and grows worse if not promptly taken care of.

The term used for pre-surgery anxiety is ‘preoperative anxiety’ or ‘preoperational anxiety.’But this anxiety grows worse when one hears about the series of surgeries that can be tormenting and nearly unimaginable. Also, the fear, anxiety, and depression heightens when you have special events to attend, but your health isn’t supportive at all.

So, what can you do in order to overcome the tormenting effects of pre-surgery anxiety?Transcendental meditation is an excellent solution for this. The power of meditation is beyond mere understanding as it slows down anxious thoughts and lets you observe the world without judgment. Transcendental meditation is responsible for instilling mindfulness in your character, and this is what will help you overcome the anxiety before surgery.

This write-up will shed light on the possible level of anxieties that a person might face. It further shows how breaking it is to see your plans failing in front of your eyes. Moving towards the last is supported with helpful tips that would assist you in becoming resilient and calm to subdue the thwarting moments.

Anxieties Levels a Patient Faces Before Surgery

Believe me, surgeries aren’t normal at all. They can put you under so much mental pressure that everything seems to fall apart for you. The fear of losing important people in life, the frustration and anger of missing out on events that you have prepared yourself for, and the ultimate fear of losing everything you worked for in the hands of a deadly disease.

In light of the context mentioned above, a person might face three levels of anxiety beforeundergoing surgery.

  • The first level is the beginning of low-level anxiety. In this, the patient tries to ignore the fear as much as they can. This is the part where their internal optimism comes into play.
  • When your optimism fades in front of anxiety, things and fear surge a little, this is the time when low-level anxiety has reached a moderate level of anxiety. At this point, the patient tends to ask more questions regarding the complexities of the surgery, and the fear increases with every other answer they hear.
  • The final level is the high level of anxiety. In this, the patient begins to get irrational fear of being bodily harm. This level plays with healthy and balanced psychology.

The Fear & Sadness of Missing Out On Important Events

The anxiety before or because of surgery also intensifies if you fear missing out on important events. This fear also triggers anxiety, and the patient feels more depressed.

It is evident that everyone wants to attend important events in life. Whether it’s your children’s graduation ceremony or your sister’s wedding function, a person plans and prepares for so many things, but all of a sudden, you are struck with a deadly disease that has tormented your life. The anger, exhaustion, depression, and despair are beyond explanation.

Your bond with your siblings, parents, children, and friends strengthens us. But if we come to know that we couldn’t be part of the celebrations, the moment tears us apart. Anyhow, this is what life is, to accept the bitter realities and face the odds, with the hope of being physically and emotionally fit one day to exemplify others.

5Result-Proven Ways to Subdue Anxiety

The anxiety is troubling and will make you weak if you don’t take timely action. Here are a few changes you must bring to your character to see incredible power to subdue anxieties by remaining calm and resilient.

  1. Learn More about Your Condition

The essential thing is to learn about yourself and your condition. Knowing this doesn’t mean stressing yourself out because of the condition. But to learn all the probable and possible treatments and methods you will undergo to reach back to normal.

You can also use resources like proper medical research papers or articles describing the probability of the following disease and its cure.

2. Get All the Support You Can

Emotional and professional support will drive you across the field in this hard and extreme time. The anxiety you find yourself in will be terrifying, but the emotional support from your loved ones and the professional support from doctors, counselors, or volunteers will help you undergo and recover quickly.

3. The Use Of Therapies Can Be Helpful

The use of therapies can help turn out the situation in your favor. For patients undergoing extreme mental pressure because of the surgery, you can use holistic and alternative therapies as an excellent alternative to keep you floating. For example, hypnosis, homeotherapy, acupuncture,Hippotherapy, and aromatherapy are some of the alternative therapies that can be effective at the same time.

4. The Use Of Stress Reducing Meditations Is Facilitating

The anxiety-reducing meditations and herbs can be effective at this point. L-Theanine and Clonazepam, and Lorazepam can be helpful to lower and control the situation you are in. many doctors also give some of the medicines to patients before surgery to get them under control.

5. Think Less – Distract Yourself

Sometimes, the simplest and most effective we can do is to distract ourselves from the present stressing situations. I know it isn’t easy, but simply not impossible. For example, talking to a friend, reading a book, or watching a favorite drama show or movie, can be great alternatives for distracting you from the present accentuatingstate.

 The Final Words

So, one thing is certain meditation practice is a game-changer in life as it helps you distract from anxious thoughts and assists in focusing on strong observation. Eventually, with some time of practice, you will feel relaxed and observe, eliminating the distracting thoughts from life.