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Nutrition: A Secret Weapon Against Depression?

As they say, ‘Proper nutrition is the need of the hour for every individual these days.’

When we think about it, our nutrition is perhaps the most important aspect of our life, yet we keep on compromising, ignoring, evading, and neglecting the need to rectify it. All we do is pour in the unnecessary junk. Let us tell you; Proper nutrition isn’t just about physical health, but also mental.

It is a well-known fact that our eating habits can significantly impact our lives in more than one way. While individuals keep on creating the comparison; supplements like arginine akg v/s real food, we all know that real food raw unprocessed food can do wonders for our health.

The talk of the day is about nutrition and its impact on depression. Does it significantly reduce the effects of depression? What does a healthy diet look like? What tells us that nutrition is a secret powerful weapon for combating depression and anxiety? We will find out in a bit.

What makes Nutrition a powerful combating force against Depression?

Eliminating Inflammation From Our Lives: 

There cannot be more shreds of evidence and studies indicating that systemic inflammation can be the cause behind a depressive state of mind. What it does is upset your stomach (obesity), which further impacts your gut and brain’s health. While being in a depressive state, the first thing we ought to ignore is our food. We keep on telling our moms that we do not wish to eat, and so on. Subsequently, your body first starts to show signs of weak health followed by a sad state of mind. 

Enrichment of Gut Microbiota: 

When you think about surfing for a nutritionist, what do you think is going to be the first thing he/she is going to fix? ‘Gut Health’ is what we call it. Our ‘digestive enzymes’ are what we call them. Our ‘fiber intake’ is what you are going to talk about there. What’s more fascinating is that when your gut health improves, it allows the microorganisms inside to release molecules that connect directly to the brain. It does not just improve your digestion but also gets your neurons active. 

Combating Stress: 

Do you know that there are foods and supplements like electrolyte hydration powder that enhance your stress resilience capability in you? No, you thought it is only the social/moral support that can relieve stress. 

When I studied the behavior, it was noticed that there are specific bacteria that can trigger stress. How often do we realize that it is not what we put in our minds that matters, but also what we feed our stomach is of utmost importance? Well, we never do. It is not until you find a nutritionist near you that guides you on this and you observe it. 

A Complementary Aspect To Anti-Depressants: 

This is where the talks about supplements v/s real food get all ‘real’. What is the first thing that a patient gets when he or she discovers he is battling depression? Anti-Depressants! Now, we are not arguing whether these work or not; they preferably do, but not in every case. It is found that anti-depressants do not work effectively in every patient. It is not until the gut health is improved with specific nutrition that these elevate the mood and allow the patient to feel better. 

Brain Functioning: 

When it comes to brain functioning, the lack of proper nutrition can seriously affect how your nervous system responds to what is around it. A poor diet can lead to fatigue, lethargy, obesity, bad mood, and everything it could possibly do to trigger stress. We are not saying that food kicks away all the stress, but we most certainly know that having our favorite meals make us happy. Now, if that is not the functioning of the brain, then what is it? It is all about keeping yourself away from lethargy and bad moods. 

If you are a workout enthusiast, then you can take waxy maize carbs. It helps you avoid sugary, processed foods, which can trigger anxiety and depression.

Is there a Scientific Explanation to back this all up? 

There are only a few studies conducted that guide us through the cycle of depression and pedals of nutrition guiding it. Still, there is a lot to discover, but it won’t be taking long to jump to a conclusion that states nutrition or real food is the ultimate anti-depressant that an individual needs when he is going through a rough phase.

Do You Believe Nutrition Can Change Your Life?

If you are still in confusion thinking about whether proper nutrition can bring balance in your life, then we are here to eradicate that confusion from the core.

  • Maintain their general health.
  • Support mental and sports-related performance.
  • Provide immune system support.

Moreover, they can help you get adequate amounts of essential nutrients if you don’t eat a nutritious variety of foods. New research has found that nutrients obtained from food, not supplements, correlate with lower risks of all-cause mortality and cancer.

Nutrition can do a fair job of preventing depression and stress. There are studies, observations, and instances, stating the positive effects of proper nutrition on both physical and mental health. Since there can be huge comparisons made between supplements v/s real food, So, what are you waiting for? Add the right real good and dietary supplements to your daily routine today!


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