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Factors That Could Be Causing a Drop in Organic Traffic

Organic Traffic

The reachability of a website and the success of the search engine optimization tactics utilized are measured by web traffic. Search engine giant Google, provides analytical tools for evaluating traffic sources, conversion, click-through rates, and bounce rates, among other metrics that can help determine the portal’s performance.

Paid marketing programs by SEO agencies in Dubai, such as PPC and PPE, are used by businesses to increase engagement and drive traffic to their websites. The efficiency of the digital marketing, SEO, and content teams is solely measured by organic site traffic. Google pulls out spammy or useless websites filled with keywords in order to provide the best user experience possible.

The Importance of Organic Website Traffic

The energizer that will increase engagement and conversion rates is organic traffic. Analytical data regarding organic traffic must be provided by a digital marketing company such as Prism Marketing LLC if you use their services.

The entity’s expansion will be hampered by a lackluster organic reach. In that instance, request that the team from the SEO marketing services in Dubai make adjustments to its content marketing and SEO methods to increase reach.

  • Consistent Outcomes – Traffic generated organically is a long-term process that takes time to show results. A PPC marketing strategy, on the other hand, may yield results practically instantly. However, organic reach will last longer than PPC/PPE, because organic reach is powerful enough to last a long time. Furthermore, as soon as you cease running the paid campaign, it loses its allure.

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  • Conversion Rate Has Increased – Every company’s ultimate goal is conversion. When a user leaves the site without clicking the call to action button, what use does that serve? When a buyer comes to the site on their own, the chances of them converting are great. Searching for a product or service means the user is looking for something in particular. He or she could become a customer with the correct content and updated website elements.
  • Getting Great Reviews and Ratings – Your website will stand out from the crowd with a maximum 5-star rating and positive feedback. You may establish a powerful corporate presence, by efficiently outsmarting your competitors. This would be critical to the company’s development. Anyone who chooses a company, product, or service online checks online reviews, don’t they? 
  • Making a Good First Impression – The foundations for creating a positive identity are realistic and honest content, constant engagement, and positive responses. The entity/word-of-mouth organization’s PR will increase by providing useful content that is beneficial to the visitors. Organic traffic is the only way to do this. There are restrictions on paid website visits. Furthermore, if you stop paying for ads, your traffic will drop dramatically.
  • Permanent Ranking Improvement – Google will identify your website as a valuable resource that provides the promised information, assistance, and service if it receives organic traffic. Having a high ranking on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) depends on this significant factor. More organic traffic is generated as a result of more relevant online content. It is also important that the content is of high quality, flows well, and is easy to read. It is necessary for content marketing teams to produce keyword-rich content that is easy for readers to understand.

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  • Real Website Visits  – Real visitors will confirm that your website has organic traffic. As a result, the chances of conversion rate have increased tremendously. It indicates that the content of your website is valuable to the user if you have a lot of traffic.  Thus, the portal will gain a wider audience. When using a paid marketing approach to create the site traffic, there are numerous flaws and concerns. To manufacture bogus online traffic reports, the marketing business may use unethical means as well.
  • Budget-friendly & cost-effective – Organic traffic generation is a low-cost way of digital marketing. Budget-friendly packages are available. And, as a result, you’ll be able to maximize your reach and growth.

Keyword ranking’s impact on organic traffic

Firstly, how often have you been on the second page of a search engine result page? Probably never. The user will almost always find what he or she is looking for on the first page. The significance of keywords can be demonstrated by this statement. Keywords are the foundation of search engine optimization. Optimizing organic reach requires identifying and utilizing the most popular keywords. 

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Search engine crawlers use keywords to determine the content’s or subject matter’s substance. When a user searches for specific information, this will be used to select a website. Simultaneously, Google and other search engines will reject keyword-stuffed content that doesn’t provide much value to users.

Identify factors that may cause a decrease in ranking

The SERP ranking of your website is influenced by a variety of factors. To identify the faults and implement corrective procedures to improve organic traffic, a complete analysis may be required. The following are examples of factors that can lower your ranking:

  • Redirect Issues – Before you set the redirects in place, double-check them. Organic traffic may be reduced as a result of redirect issues.
  • URL Ambiguities – URL discrepancies can cause search engine crawlers to become confused and reduce your ranking, even if you selected the proper keyword and created keyword-rich content.
  • Bots are being filtered out – Bots browse the pages as though they were actual people. Despite this, with such a short session time, the bounce rate will be extremely high. It may result in a decrease in organic traffic, even though removing the bots is vital.
  • Tracking Code Error – They should never be removed in any case and tracking codes must be accurate. It’s usually due to a tracking code error when Google Analytics fails to show the sessions.
  • Page Index Error – If the page isn’t indexed, your organic reach will suffer significantly. The problem could be caused by the use of incorrect robot.txt rules.
  • Google’s Algorithm Changes – On a regular basis, Google and other search engines update their algorithms. In order to provide satisfactory search results to the users, this step is primarily undertaken to enhance the user experience. 

Crawl problems, ranking loss, manual penalties, cannibalization, changed SERP layout, and XML sitemap updates are some of the other factors behind organic traffic that might affect rankings and, as a result, organic reach.

Are you looking for a way to boost your organic traffic? Prism Digital Marketing LLC is ready to help you right now.

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