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The Best Social Games To Play in a Social Care Home

Social Games

Social and fun activities are a good way to give people in a care home a fulfilling and happy life. However, the residents in a care home may be aged or children; it might be possible that there is a lack of resources, physical strength, health in general, or cognitive function challenges. Therefore, it might not be easy to bring everyone together for social games. 

Though, especially for senior citizens, it is necessary to interact and socialize in any way possible. Otherwise, they will get bored of their life. As per the recent study, older people tend to suffer from depression in social care homes due to lack of socialization and loneliness. 

Many interacting social games will excite them to come, play, and socialize to overcome such situations. Residents would find some encouragement through such games and socialize and overcome depression. Furthermore, induction in health and social care can help you decide which games would be best for your residents.

If you are looking for some of the best games to play in a social care home, here are some of them:

  • Board Games

Board games are a great way to get residents in care homes to socialize with others. There are many board games available in the market and all types of games that suit your residents’ needs best. For instance, if you are looking for a game with thinking and focus, then scrabble is one of the best games. Monopoly is always a classic to interact with residents in a care home. 

  • Card Games

Everyone loves card games. Especially elders love to play card games with their colleagues, friends or family. There are many games one can play with a deck of cards. Furthermore, more people can learn how to play games with cards. One of the best parts of card games is that you would only require two people minimum. 

Therefore, even if all the residents are not interested in playing. At Least two people can engage and socialize. Furthermore, it is great for residents who do not want to socialize with big groups. 

  • Charades

Charades is one of the best games when you want to work on visual stimulation, memory skills, or recognition of your residents. Whether you are portraying films, television programs, books, or mimicking any famous people, charades can promote teamwork, healthy competition, and camaraderie amongst the residents. Furthermore, it encourages physical activity too. 

  • Puzzles

Puzzles are fun to bring the residents in a social care home together and socialize. Different residents can sit together and solve a puzzle and socialize and interact with each other side by side. Furthermore, solving puzzles initiates creating, strategizing, and thinking simultaneously. Puzzles can be done by an individual or a group of people. Puzzles are enticing, fun, and colorful. 

For instance, sudoku, patterns, word puzzles, trivia, and jigsaw puzzles are good puzzle games for residents to play and socialize. Puzzles encourage creativity and logic when putting together some puzzles. Residents can also interact easily while solving puzzles.

  • Book Clubs 

Book clubs are one of the great ways to combine an individual activity with groups. Start one if there are no book clubs at your social care home. Books clubs encourage more social engagement and socialization. When books are available at care homes, residents tend to share them with other residents and share their thoughts. It increases socialization and interaction with other individuals at care homes. 

  • Party Games

Party games encourage socialization and physical movement amongst residents. Furthermore, it brings out the competitive spirit—for instance, musical chairs or stop the dance. You might have to tweak the games as per the requirements of residents and the environment in a social care home. Nevertheless, residents can have fun and socialize with each other. For instance, in a musical chair game, there is a team of two groups, then groups can socialize with each other on how to compete with the other team.


Playing and initiating games in a social care home is ideal for letting residents interact and socialize with each other. Everyone feels excited to do something exciting and spend time having fun. Games are an ideal way to avoid depression and loneliness among residents. 

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