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The Complete Guide of Cell Phone Signal Booster

Signal Booster

A signal booster is a device that amplifies wireless signals to expand coverage. If installed correctly, signal boosters can help consumers, wireless service providers, and public safety first responders to extend mobile phone coverage to tunnels, subways, inside buildings, and rural areas where the signal is originally weak. Although signal boosters can improve cell phone coverage, malfunctioning, improperly designed or improperly installed signal boosters can interfere with wireless networks and interfere with a series of calls, including emergency calls and 911 calls.

What is a cell phone signal booster?

A mobile phone signal booster or cellular repeater is composed of 3 basic components, namely, an external antenna, an amplifier, and an internal antenna. These 3 components work together to form a cellular receiver booster. In the following article, I will explain how cellular repeaters can help strengthen the network signal, as well as several types of mobile amplifiers available on the market so that you can make a better decision to buy them.

A mobile phone receiver booster is usually a system in which an amplifier adds power to the network in multiple directions. The outdoor antenna is both a transmitter and a receiver, with maximum power and sensitivity.

The main purpose of a cellular signal booster is to receive weaker signals in vehicles, offices or homes and make them stronger. After maximizing the reception, these amplified signals are transmitted through the internal antenna, where there is a weak signal or even no signal. In addition to the amplifier and 2 antennas, there are some signal boosters that have a reception booster in the indoor antenna, which makes them excellent reception boosters. With these 3 main components, some upgrades can also be made. These upgrades include attenuators, splitters that help reduce unwanted frequencies, tap machines that can also be placed on the amplifier, and lightning surge protectors.

Types of cell phone signal boosters

Cell phone signal enhancers are divided into two categories:

  • Family booster
  • Vehicle booster

The home cellular signal booster is designed to improve the indoor signal conditions in the space from a room to the entire family. Most home boosters support multiple users and multiple devices at the same time and span multiple carrier networks.

The vehicle cell signal booster (or mobile signal booster) is designed to boost the cell signal in a car, truck, van or SUV. We also have models designed specifically for motorhomes, trailers, semi trucks or fleet vehicles. Most HiBoost vehicle boosters support multiple users and devices, and some, like our Drive Sleek products, only enhance the signal for one mobile phone.

How does the signal booster work?

The working principle of a cellular booster (also known as a signal extender, signal amplifier or cell phone repeater) is to introduce a weak external signal, enhance it, and then rebroadcast the enhanced signal to the desired area. They also work in reverse: the signal booster will receive the signal from your phone and send it back to the cell tower.

There are different boosters to meet different needs:

Indoor signal boosters-they are specially designed for homes, office buildings, commercial buildings and any buildings that require signals.

Vehicle signal boosters-They are specially designed for cars, trucks, RVs, SUVs, boats and fleet vehicles.

Remember, for the cellular amplifier to work properly, there must be an existing signal outside your home, office, or vehicle. The Cell Signal Enhancer will enhance the existing signal instead of creating it.

Improve your Verizon cell phone signal

Some Verizon customers find that they need to install cell phone signal boosters in their homes, offices or cars. The cellular signal amplifier will bring the existing Verizon external signal into the building or vehicle, enhance it, and make the enhanced signal usable. This eliminates dropped connections, speeds up downloads, and provides up to two hours of extra talk time on a single charge. Another benefit that Verizon’s direct solution can’t match-HiBoost mobile phone booster will also enhance the coverage of customers of other cellular service providers.

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