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Tired All the Time? Unravelling the Causes and Solutions

At times, our hectic lives leave us struggling with feelings of tiredness that persist despite best intentions. From work demands and personal obligations, to social obligations – whether its stress related or otherwise – fatigue is often present and hinders both our body and mind’s wellbeing detox in massachusetts.

Join us as we uncover its causes as well as practical solutions to restore both body and mind vitality! Join us on this journey of uncovering its sources as we discover actionable steps that restore vitality to both mind and body!

Sleep Inadequacy

Without realising it, you could be sleeping too little, which can have serious repercussions for both your health and concentration levels. Adults typically need 7-8 hours of restful slumber per night.

Fix: Sleep should always be a top priority. Establish and follow a regular bedtime routine; avoid laptops, mobile phones and TVs in your bedroom as much as possible; if still having difficulty seek medical advice – sleep disorders could be at play here!

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can be an issue even for people who believe they’re sleeping enough, as the condition causes breathing to stop for brief moments during the night, leaving you alert even though eight hours were spent sleeping! Your doctor may request a sleep study in order to ascertain this fact.

Fix: If you are overweight, stop smoking and consider getting a CPAP machine to keep airways open while sleeping.

Low Calorie Diet

A diet too low in calories or too high in refined carbs may leave us feeling tired, while eating the wrong type of food may do more damage. A balanced diet will help ensure blood glucose remains within a safe range and stop it dropping suddenly causing fatigue.

Fix: Start each day right by eating breakfast containing complex carbs and proteins such as eggs on whole grain toast – an example would be eating small meals throughout the day to maintain energy.


Anemia is one of the primary sources of fatigue among women. Iron deficiency may result from menstrual blood loss, leaving women susceptible to anemia. Red blood cells provide oxygen-rich blood circulation to all tissues and organs within your body.

Fix: Anemia can result from iron deficiency. Consuming foods rich in iron such as shellfish, lean meats, beans and cereals that have added iron supplements may provide relief.


Following are a few ways you can lower your risk: Depression is more than an emotional disorder – it also manifests physical symptoms like fatigue, headaches and loss in appetite. Consult a medical provider if you have been feeling down for more than two weeks and experiencing feelings of despair or exhaustion.

Fix: Depression can be effectively addressed through talk therapy or medication.


Your thyroid gland lies at the base of your neck. This gland plays a pivotal role in your metabolism – how quickly your body converts food to energy – if not functioning optimally you could feel lethargic or gain weight quickly. If this gland malfunctions it could leave you feeling lethargic or cause weight gain.

Synthetic hormones could help bring your thyroid hormone levels up if a blood test reveals they are low.

Caffeine Overload

Caffeine can help increase alertness and concentration when taken in moderation, however too much caffeine may lead to jitteriness, raised blood pressure and heart rate as well as fatigue in some individuals. Research indicates this.

Fix: Reduce caffeine consumption gradually by gradually cutting back on coffee, tea, chocolate and soft drinks. A sudden stop could result in caffeine withdrawal symptoms and fatigue.

Experienced Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

While you might be familiar with the burning sensation and urgency associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs), some UTIs may not display symptoms immediately – fatigue may even be all that’s noticeable in certain instances. Urine tests can quickly confirm an UTI.

Fix: Antibiotics will quickly treat UTIs, while fatigue should dissipate within seven days.


Diabetes occurs when abnormally high levels of sugar remain in the bloodstream instead of being converted to energy by cells and used by your body for energy production, leaving your body exhausted despite eating enough. If you’re feeling exhausted despite eating regularly, visit your physician if this seems like the reason behind it.


Fix: Diabetes is treatable through lifestyle modifications such as diet and physical activity changes, insulin therapy or medications to assist the body with processing sugar more efficiently.


Dehydration can be the source of fatigue. Your body requires water in order to perform efficiently and stay cool, whether that be through physical exercise or sitting still at work. If you feel thirsty during any of these activities then this indicates dehydration is present and treatment should begin immediately.

Fix; Drink enough water to maintain light-coloured urine. Make sure you drink at least two cups an hour prior to any physical activity and afterward another two cups as a recovery drink.