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What are the different types of property in the UK which you can go for?

There are numerous types of property that subsist in the UK. There are various styles and spaces to suit your budget. Properties in the UK are directly proportional to the area where you are living. Different areas accommodate different varieties of property that you can choose for yourself. There are flats that reside in busy and congested lanes of the city. Whereas there are cottages which serve a different purpose of living. While we also have terraced, detached and semi-detached homes that have totally different functionality and reside in different areas.

Before jumping into any property it is always advisable to consult the estate agent in UK to avoid any scams later. Here we have discussed the various types of property in the UK that you can choose from.


The most accessible piece of property that exists in the UK is flats. A flat is a replica of an apartment. It is a housing unit that is a part of a larger building but exists individually. While purchasing or renting a flat you get access to communal areas that are a lift, garden, play area, stairs, etc. Under flats, we have three categories that are converted flats, split-level flats and studio flats.

Converted Flats

As misnamed as it may sound, converted flats are those types of residential properties that are built houses often split into top and bottom sections. In this type of housing unit any one section is considered a flat and the other section is lived by the owner. In this housing unit, there are usually different combinations that can be accessed by the user. It can either be a combination of bedroom-bathroom or bedroom-bathroom and dining area, etc. depending on your budget, the combinations can be accessed. These flats usually do not come with a garden area. Depending on the location, the pricing of these flats fluctuates.

Split-Level Flats

Split-level flats are those types of housing that are split into lower and upper blocks. They are commonly termed duplexes. They are usually separated by a staircase thereby splitting the interior and overall arrangements of living. The pricing of these properties depends on the area, size and longevity of the building.

Studio Flats

If you are an airy person and love open spaces in your home then studio flats are the perfect fit for you. Studio flats are those flats that are separated by the minimum number of walls and come with a living room, kitchen, and bathroom to accommodate the living needs of a large family. These types of flats are generally preferred by young couples. Studio flats are very pocket friendly and will never drill a hole in your pocket while you are on the verge of buying property in the UK.


Detached houses are those types of residential properties that come with private walls and are standing single. This type of property is often termed dream property and is likely to be owned by individuals but few can afford them due to its high pricing. Detached houses provide a good amount of privacy and won’t land you in wall-to-wall conversations.


The term semi-detached property refers to properties that have a wall between them. In a simpler manner, these types of houses are only joined by shared walls on the side. These types of houses are perfect if you are tight on budget but are also looking for privacy. 

Terraced Houses

Terraced houses are those types of housing units that are built on a continuous row and share walls. They are usually built in a uniform style. 


A cottage is a small house that resides in the rural parts of the country. In the UK you will only find cottages in the rural areas. They are usually built to withstand the typical cold seasons and protect you from the chilly air outside. They usually have thicker walls as compared to other housing units and consist of smaller windows, thatched roofs and most likely have low ceilings. Cottages are built on well-structured pillars to withstand the laid of the house and prevent it from backfall.

Now we have modern cottages in the UK which are entitled to the same facilities as any other housing units.


Bungalows are those housing units that are lower in height and are usually one-storey. Sometimes the roofs are extended to an upper unit which generally has a dormer window. Bungalows are accommodated with wide veranda to ensure comfortable and boxy living. A bungalow might be a replica of a cottage but there lies a significant difference in the styles of both.

The drawback of owning a bungalow is that they are difficult to sell sometimes. In order to make their property sellable sometimes the owners add an upper unit or register for a fast-selling company that can help them in the entire process.


Housing units in the UK offer a wide variety that can be difficult to choose from. No matter where you reside in the UK while looking for housing units always make a list of your style, budget and requirements. Never go out of your pocket just to ensure a lavish living. Your house is the epitome of goodness and that is the place where all the traditions of your growth and self-care take place. Make this place your centre of peace and not an anxiety zone.