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What to Look for When Buying a Used Box Truck

It’s significantly cheaper to purchase used heavy-duty trucks than to buy new ones. With a used truck, you can look up the reviews for that make and model to see if it has any problems before you buy it. But you also need to do your due diligence. For example, you should verify the box truck’s specs and condition. 

Check the Specs

You want your box truck to be as versatile as possible for loading and unloading. It should fit most loading docks and facilities. New trucks match those standards, but an older truck might not be equipped properly. For example, this includes having a rear door that rolls up. A door that swings open is not useful if you’re backing up to load or unload.

You also want to make sure your box truck isn’t too low. Some trucks have smaller tires, lowering the entire body of the vehicle. This makes it too low to load and unload at a dock. If you plan to use a forklift to load cargo onto the truck from the dock, you must also ensure the box trailer is dock high. Finally, if you expect loading and unloading to happen at night time, having interior lights inside the truck is an important feature to look for.

Condition of the box truck

Even though you’ll have some non-negotiable feature requests, the truck’s condition is the most important aspect when you’re buying used. With an investment of this size, it’s a good idea to have a mechanic inspect the truck’s condition. You also need to take it for a test drive to make sure everything works properly. 

Here are a few other things to check:

  • Condition of the tires
  • Engine oil and coolant
  • Air filter and engine surface
  • Body rust
  • Door and window seals

The condition of the cab interior can tell you a lot about how the driver took care of the truck. Worn-out controls can be a red flag and a sign the previous driver misused the truck. Ask the seller about the vehicle’s history and why it’s being sold to get a better idea of what they used it for. 

Don’t Rush the Decision

Even when you find used box trucks for sale, it’s important to verify they have the specs you need and are in good condition. If you’re not sure about the condition of the used truck you’re looking at, bring in some experts, such as a mechanic.

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