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When to see an orthopedic doctor for hip pain

orthopedic doctor

In the same way that tire tread wears down over time, the cartilage that eases your joints may also break down, a disease known as osteoarthritis, and your bones can develop pain when they rub against one other if there isn’t enough easing.

You get this type of problem due to some injuries you have had in your lives, which leave sequels in areas such as the knee, hips, elbows, and shoulders. Due to the above, one should evaluate from now on, starting by looking in the mirror and asking: do I need an orthopedic consultation?


If you began to feel hip pain in the joints or the back for no apparent reason for some time now, you should consider attending an orthopedic doctor consultation. It is impressive that the vast majority of the world population can develop some orthopedic problems before reaching the age of thirty. This data is perhaps a little worse than we would admit, but it is happening.

What is hip pain?

Hip pain is simply a discomfort caused by the joint that forms the hip and the bones or muscles surrounding it, such as the knee, groin, or thigh. The hip is an essential joint when it comes to moving, since thanks to it, the whole body is mobilized, whether it is to walk, sit, bend over, bend over, etc. However, it becomes a challenge to perform these usual activities when you develop hip pain.

Although these discomforts in the hip or hip pains do not usually represent serious trauma problem, it is necessary to go to a specialist to determine it. It is normal to see an orthopedic doctor when the pain persists for several days and prevents the performance of some daily routine such as walking, driving, working, or simply being on your feet for a long time.

What are the symptoms of hip pain?

Among the most characteristic symptoms of this hip pains are those that reflect discomfort or pain in other areas of the body:

  • Knee pain.
  • Swelling in the buttocks.
  • Difficulty walking or standing.
  • Sharp pain in the lower back.
  • Pelvic discomfort.
  • Continuous pain even while lying down or sitting.
  • Limp.
  • Stitches of pain that worsen after physical activity.
  • Pain on one side of the hip.
  • Heat sensation in the affected area.
  • Fever, although it is not so common.

When to visit your orthopedic doctor

Whenever you feel one or a combination of the symptoms listed above, you need to visit your orthopedic doctor. The symptoms, when still new, can be treated with just medications from your orthopedic doctor. But with, complications from these symptoms can lead to the orthopedic doctor referring you to an orthopedic surgeon. The signs listed above are the early-stage symptoms that require immediate care to avoid complications.

How does an orthopedic doctor treat hip pain?

In the first place, a conservative treatment that does not require medication will be tried, such as Physiotherapy exercises, weight control and losing weight if necessary, hot and cold therapies, physical therapies, etc.

If this does not work, you may require a pharmacological treatment with anti-inflammatories or analgesics, corticosteroid injections, or others. Suppose the pathology is not solved with more conservative treatments. In that case, surgery will have to be resorted to, including a hip arthroplasty, a joint replacement using a hip prosthesis, a joint lavage, or a bone fusion procedure.


The main ailments orthopedic doctors treat are the most common causes for which a person goes to the doctor, although a general practitioner can often treat pain. For this reason, it is necessary to know the most common symptoms related to hip pain that orthopedic doctors attend to so that if you suffer from one, go directly to the orthopedists. If joint pain keeps you from enjoying your daily routine, your trusted Orthopedic Clinic in Singapore can help.

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