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Why lab grown diamonds are also known as blood-free diamonds?

lab grown diamonds

Today’s world is growing overly conscious about the safety of our planet. People prefer environment-friendly, sustainable and healthy (for all) options. The awareness has risen from the fact our natural resources are getting depleted and soon we may not have the luxuries that we so easily abuse today. While making eco-friendly choices such as organic food, chemical-free products and a vegan diet in order to protect animals, people now have also started following these same rules when it comes to buying jewellery, and especially diamonds.

Formation of natural diamonds

Natural diamonds are found under the surface of the Earth. The diamonds we have today were formed billions of years ago due to the underground atmospheric pressure and temperature. They have to be mined out.

The dark reality of mining

Mining out diamonds isn’t the most ethical process in the world, to be honest. The labourers have to go deep under the surface of the Earth, often risking their lives. Many of these labourers are poor, small children between the age of 12 and 17. They are forced into this occupation and offered meagre amount of money for the intense labour that they are made to do. While mining deep under the Earth, the tunnels frequently collapse; there are explosions of machinery and the high temperature is lethal at times. Many labourers die on a regular basis. Unfortunately, none of this every gets reported because it is quite a common thing. Also, the modern world and first world country economies who buy these diamonds are least bothered about the lives of a few hundred poor labourers from backward countries. But this brings us to the question, are these sparkly stones really worth the blood of those labourers? The process of mining literally requires those people to put in their sweat, blood and even lose their lives sometimes while trying to get the diamonds out.

Also, the process of mining requires heavy machinery to be used. It is harmful for the ecosystem as the soil is dug up, leading to soil erosion, deforestation and disturbing the balance of the Earth’s crust.

An eco-friendly alternative

Thankfully, there is hope of this scenario changing sometime in the future. This is where the lab grown diamonds uk come in. They are man-made, yet exactly the same as organic diamonds formed under the Earth. Atomically, visually, there is no difference at all. And the best part is that they are produced ethically too. There is no child labour involved and majority of the work is done entirely by the machines so people are not exploited for their efforts. Also, there are no harmful effects for the environment in this process. Would ever be able to build a relationship of emotional bonding with a diamond that caused so much damage? We think not. Since the process of making lab grown diamonds favours both human life and the planet, therefore these diamonds are commonly known as blood-free diamonds.

In conclusion,

Natural diamonds are an exhaustible resource. If we mine them all out, we won’t be left with any in the future for a very long time, while also ruining the planet. Luckily, people have begun to understand this harsh fact and are slowly transitioning towards lab diamonds. We hope to save our planet as well as countless human lives with this informed decision.