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Everything You Need To Know About Hiking Shoes

Exercise is important for the health of your body, but it can be challenging finding something that you like. Lots of people find that things like running and weightlifting just isn’t for them, and they’d in fact prefer something a little more nature based and not so high in intensity. One type of exercise that can be rewarding as well as challenging is hiking. Hiking is great because it can be done on your own, or in a group of friends, turning it into a social event. However, just like any other exercise, you do need the right equipment and that includes shoes. Finding the best hiking shoes isn’t that hard once you know what you’re looking for. So, keep reading and discover everything you need to know about hiking shoes.

Types Of Hiking Shoes

There are a few different types of hiking shoes available, so it’s important that you know which ones will be best for you. Different terrains will also require different types of shoe, so always plan ahead, and don’t just wear any old pair. Here are the most common types: 

Hiking Shoes

These are generally pretty low cut and have very flexible midsoles to help support your foot over all sorts of terrains. There are day hiking shoes as well, which are extremely lightweight and don’t need to be broken in very much at all. However, these are only good for shorter trips with light backpack loads, so don’t pop these on if you’re planning on a 3-day hike! 

Backpacking Boots

Backpacking boots are a fantastic type of hiking shoe, and they’re ideal for heavy loads and long trips. The high cut of the boot allows you to feel support throughout your foot and ankle, ensuring that you won’t put any unnecessary strain on your feet while hiking. 

Hiking Shoes Materials

Hiking shoes can be made from a number of different materials, but the most important thing is that it’s durable. Full-grain leather is a very common material as it’s very durable and water resistant too, making it suitable for all weathers and terrains. It’s not as lightweight as others and leather does need to be broken in properly before being worn on a hike, so it’s not always the best option for everyone. Split-grain leather combines leather with nylon to create a fully breathable shoe. But this material isn’t as waterproof as full-grain, nor is it as sturdy, but it’s still a brilliant choice for a hiking shoe. 

Synthetic materials are often used for hiking shoes as they’re the lightest in weight, cheap to product, and are often brilliant at keeping your feet dry. Their only downside is that they might promote sweating when it’s hot, as they’re breathability isn’t the best. You can also find vegan hiking shoes that have been carefully crafted without the use of animal products, and these shoes can be just as good as their leather counterparts. So, when it comes to choosing a material for your hiking shoes, make sure you know what type of terrain you’re going to be dealing with, and what sort of weather you’ll be experiencing. This way, you’ll find it much easier to choose the right type of shoe for your journey. 

The Fit Of A Hiking Shoe

It’s very important that you have properly fitted hiking shoes, as poorly fitted ones can cause a lot of damage. The first think you need to know is your actual foot size. This means measuring it and using it to select the right hiking shoe. A good tip when trying on hiking shoes is to do so at the end of the day. This is because your feet will have swelled after being used all day and will allow you to avoid buying shoes that are too small. You also need to ensure that you have the right type of socks when hiking too. If you try on your hiking shoes without socks, you may find that when you pop on your thick hiking ones, that the shoes no longer fit. You also want to break in your shoes once you have them so that they mould to your feet and won’t cause you any issues when you actually wear them out hiking. Rubbing can be normal when you first get them, but if it doesn’t go away, then you may have the wrong size. 

Traction Is Important

When you’re out hiking, there will be parts of all terrains that are slippery. This means you need to make sure that your hiking shoes have substantial traction to protect you from falling. It’s important that you choose hiking shoes with a good grip on the soles so that you can easily make your way across the terrain, and one of the best materials for this is rubber. Being super soft and durable at the same time, rubber is the sole of many hiking shoes. Nine times out of ten, hiking injuries occur because of a hiker slipping, so having grippy shoes will drastically reduce the chances of it happening to you. 


Your hiking shoes need to be super breathable as well, because insufficient ventilation can cause a whole lot of issues for you. If sweat and moisture can’t get out of your shoe, then you’ll soon see the development of rashes, blisters, and even infections. Because hiking shoes will be doing their job and keeping your foot warm, the heat can become trapped if the shoe isn’t breathable. This then creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and thrive. So, while shoes made from full-grain leather might be durable, they could cause you issues if there aren’t at least some parts of the shoe that are made from more breathable materials. 

Support and Cushioning

When you’re out hiking, your feet will be absorbing a lot of impact, so it’s important that you provide some cushioning for them. Hiking shoes without effective cushioning will soon cause you pain and could even force you to stop and head back home. Every step that you make while hiking puts some pressure onto your musculoskeletal system, so you need to absorb some of that shock elsewhere to keep it protected. Typically, cushioning was made from rubber. But nowadays, modern technology has given way to gel and air cushioning which are much more comfortable. Making sure that your feet are fully supported and cushioned when hiking is crucial for preventing injury, so don’t overlook it when choosing your shoes. 

Hiking shoes are something that a lot of people have a hard time choosing, but if you know what key elements you need to look for, it becomes a lot easier. While you may like the look of a pair that maybe aren’t as cushioned or supportive, you’ll thank yourself in the long run if you go for ones that actually protect your feet. Hiking boots will never look like the latest fashion trend, but it isn’t their job to do so. Their purpose is to give you the best chance of hiking safely and keep you from hurting yourself. So, if you’re thinking of taking up hiking, make sure you have the proper footwear on before stepping foot onto a trail. You’ll be much more prepared for anything hiking throws your way and find that the whole experience is a lot easier. 

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