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7 Hardest Languages of the World for English Speakers


You can see the whole list below. Enjoy, and let us know if you’re going to try to learn one of these hard languages.

When the onion is peeled back to the origins of language development, often known as the ‘Old World Language Families,’ it is possible to discern where various languages diverged.

You may now see why Spanish shares similarities with languages such as German, Italian, and French. Furthermore, why does Korean share commonalities with languages such as Mandarin, Japanese, and others?

That is why the most difficult languages to learn for native Korean speakers will differ from the most difficult languages to learn for native English speakers like us.

List of 7 Hardest Languages

1 – Mandarin

Why it’s so difficult: While English is the most widely spoken language on the planet, it presents unique obstacles for English speakers. Because Mandarin is a tonal language, you can change the meaning of a word entirely by changing your tone.

Add hundreds of characters, intricate systems, and an abundance of homophones, and you have one of the most difficult languages to learn in the world. It is most hardest languages to learn for all the speakers.

2 – Icelandic

Why it’s difficult: While the Icelandic language has remained unchanged since the ninth and eleventh centuries, it has continued to infuse new meaning into older words. Additionally, the fact that there are fewer than 400,000 native speakers available to learn and practise with does not help.

3 – Japanese

Why it’s difficult: Japanese is written in three distinct scripts: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Before beginning to write, Japanese students must master thousands of various characters used in these writing systems. However, it is simpler to learn than Mandarin!

4 – Hungarian

Why it’s difficult: As previously stated, the majority of languages are descended from the Indo-European language family. But not Hungarian, which is a Finno-Ugric language with isolated terms.

In other words, it differs significantly from the way English speakers generally form their words and sentences. For instance, the phrase ‘with my [female] friend’ is shortened to ‘barátnmmel.’ Are you still perplexed? Likewise, we are.

5 – Korean

Why is it difficult: Korean is another isolated language, unrelated to any other language family. However, there is more. Korean has seven distinct levels of speech, which native speakers alternate between depending on the formality.

6 – Arabic

Why it’s difficult: Despite the fact that there are 221 million native speakers from whom you can possibly learn, Arabic remains one of the most difficult languages to learn.

To begin, vowels are omitted from writing. And, to add to the confusion, the majority of Arabic letters are written in four distinct styles depending on the context of the word. You can also learn different English word in many languages by just visiting The Different Languages blog.

7 – Finnish

Why it’s difficult: Have you ever seen The Lord of the Rings? The author J.R.R. Tolkien based the Elvish language on the Finnish language. Finnish, like Hungarian, is a Finno-Ugric language that places a premium on grammatical complexity.

And, once you’ve mastered translating Finnish to English, you’ll quickly discover that contemporary Finnish speakers have their own style of expressing emotions that differs from the standard translation!