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A kitten is a juvenile cat and nocturnal. After the kitten is birthed, kittens stay at the nest or birthplace for a long time due to total dependence on their mothers for survival. They typically do not open their eyes for seven to ten days. The kittens develop quickly and begin to discover the world outside their nest after about two weeks from birth. They begin to feed on solid food and grow milk teeth after about three to four weeks. Domestic kittens are highly social animals (extroverts) and usually enjoy a human relationship.

Generally, the sex of kittens is easy to detect at birth. At about six to eight weeks from birth, their sex becomes more complex to detect because at this stage, fur in their genital region would have begun to grow. You could identify the female kitten through her urethral – the urethral opening is always a slit and the male kitten could also be identified through his urethral – the urethral opening is always round.  

Kittens are likely to be exposed to harm and dangers because they prefer to keep their head in dark places, and sometimes they come out with serious bruises if they are not monitored closely. Kittens have an addiction to finding solace under or inside cars or on car wheels during stormy or cold weather conditions. Oftentimes, this addiction leaves them with broken bones, burns, damaged internal organs, or loss of their lives.

  • Abyssinian Kitten

The Abyssinian is a breed of a domestic short-haired cat born with dark coats that slowly brighten up as they develop. The Abyssinian kitten is a slender, attractive-boned, average-sized cat. The head is mildly wedge-shaped, and the nose and chin perfectly form a straight line when viewed from one side. They are highly sensitive with their large ears.

  • Sphynx Kitten

The Sphynx kitten is a breed of cat distinctively known for its lack of fur. Its lack of fur or hair can be traced to a naturally occurring genetic mutation.

The Sphynx kittens have narrow, long heads and webbed feet. Due to the absence of fur in Sphynx kittens, they lose body heat more readily than kittens with fur. This attribute makes them prone to looking out for warm places with a relatively reasonable temperature.

  • Maine Coon kitten

The Maine Coon kitten is a large domesticated cat breed. It is well known for its physical appearance and its hunting skills are exceptional. It is one of the oldest natural breeds of kittens.  

It is enveloped by an outstanding ruff along its chest, strong bone structure, rectangular body shape, and two uneven-layered coats with lengthy guard hairs and an elongated, bushy tail. The Maine coon kitten comes in various colors, with only lilac and chocolate disallowed for pedigree.  The Maine coon kitten is also well known for its high intelligence, playful and gentle nature. The Maine coon is such a wonderful breed to be kept.

  • Scottish Fold kitten

The Scottish Fold kitten is a breed of domestic kitten with a natural dominant change in one or more genes that affects the gristle throughout the body, causing the kitten ears to fold, bending the front and down towards the front of the head, this formation of its ears gives the kitten what is often described as an owl-like appearance or figure.


Kittens are sweet little creatures that are so dear, they always come out healthy and strong when they are well taken care of. Kittens form a good bond with humans. They however vary in genetics, and breeds such as Sphynx kittens, Maine Coon kittens, Scottish Fold kitten, Oriental Kittens, Abyssinian kittens, and more.

Get your kitten proper veterinary care in order to enjoy a beautiful pet experience when you own one or consider adopting one.

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