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Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Stretch Every Day

Stretching is a modern fitness trend. It’s chosen by everyone who wants to discover new possibilities of the body. But the benefits of stretching are not limited to beautiful twine and spectacular pictures on social networks. We are ready to name at least 6 reasons why you should stretch every day! So, what are the benefits of stretching?

Reduces Stress Levels

Stress in the big city spares no one: daily worries not only affect the mood but also damage the health in the long run. Great news: stretching will relax after a hard day better than a lazy rest on the couch! Moreover, daily stretching sets up a harmonious mood and delivers pleasure by releasing endorphins, making you feel as happy as while playing at https://cryptocasinosindia.com/casinos/tonybet/ or eating your favorite meal. So you won’t be afraid of depression!

Boosts Your Libido

Regular stretching exercises will color your sex life with bright colors. Stretching exercises stimulate pelvic muscles and generally raise your self-esteem, which will certainly affect your behavior and feelings in bed. For the better, of course!

Relieves Pain During Menstruation

Many girls are familiar with pain and discomfort during the menstrual cycle. Stretching has a positive effect on the female body: it improves blood circulation and relieves uterine cramps, as well as normalizing the cycle.

Eliminates Back and Joint Pain

The musculoskeletal system is under tremendous strain when you play sports or even just walk. As you age, your joints lose flexibility and your ligaments lose their elasticity. Stretching exercises will solve these problems and get rid of stiffness in the lower back, weather-related joint pain and other unpleasant feelings!

Helps You Get Fit

If you do stretching for at least 10 minutes every day, you can noticeably transform typically female problem areas: the hips and lower abdomen. Regular exercise smooths cellulite, tightens the inner thighs, increases skin elasticity and activates fat burning!

Improves Posture

The phenomenon of stretching is that it both relaxes and strengthens the muscles! As a result, your gait is easier, clamps go away, you move more smoothly, and your back stays smoother. Still have questions? Just look at the ballerinas!

Stretching Exercises for Beginners 

Stretching the Lateral Muscles of the Trunk and Back While Standing

  1. Stand facing any support on which you can freely place your hand. Feet together, feet apart. Right arm straightened and raised at right angles to the body.
  2. Use your right hand over your head to bend your body to the left: as deeply as you can.
  3. It is important not to bend the neck, not to round the back and not to “bend” the body forward: the whole body from the head to the feet is in the same plane.
  4. Repeat to the other side.

Transverse Sitting Stretch Into Lateral Bends

  1. Sit on the floor, spreading your straight legs as wide as possible, but without bending your knees and pulling your toes toward the floor. Your back is straight, palms on your hips.
  2. Tilt your body toward your left leg so that you touch your left foot with the palm of your left hand. Your right hand follows your body over your head – and also reaches for the foot with the palm of your hand (ideally put your hands on top of each other).
  3. Don’t round your back and not “bend” your body forward.
  4. Repeat to the right side.

Cross-fold Forward From Sitting Position

  1. Sit on the floor, spreading your straight legs as wide as possible but without bending your knees. Your back is straight, arms in front of you.
  2. Lean forward with your arms outstretched, “stretching” your body forward with your fingers.
  3. Your task is to lie on the floor on your stomach, but without rounding your back or bending your knees.

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