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Can You Get Dental Bonding With Braces?

Braces are the most popular and reliable way to straighten misaligned, crooked teeth and other orthodontic problems.

Orthodontic therapy like braces may provide amazing results, but have certain limitations as well. While it may correct crooked and crowded teeth, it cannot modify the overall look of the teeth. If your teeth are discolored, chipped, or malformed before the treatment begins, they will remain the same, just appear straighter and aligned.

To change the appearance of such misshapen or damaged teeth, dental bonding is a wonderful solution. But if you already have braces, you may be wondering if you can get dental bonding too. To find out, we contacted Paradigm Dental clinic which offers Dental Bonding in Austin.  It is a possible line of treatment to get the perfect smile, but there are some things you should know before you get started.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure that can be used to improve the appearance of your teeth. Bonding can be used to fix cracked or chipped teeth, close gaps between teeth, or change the color of your teeth.

The procedure to get dental bonding is quite similar to getting dental fillings to fill up cavities in your teeth. A teeth-colored material known as a composite resin is used in the procedure to alter the shape, color, and size of the teeth.

The resin putty is applied to the teeth and molded into the desired shape by your dentist. Then a special blue UV light is used to cure the resin and harden it. 

What Are The Benefits Of Dental Bonding?

Getting any kind of dental work can make you self-conscious. But dental bonding work is hardly noticeable to other people as it looks completely natural and blends in with the rest of your teeth. So the procedure is very discreet when done under the eye of an expert cosmetic dentist. 

It is also one of the most affordable cosmetic dentistry solutions available today. And unlike porcelain veneers(which are permanent and thus, irreversible), dental bonding can be reversed as your natural enamel is not shaved off for the procedure.

Can You Get Dental Bonding With Braces?

Once you finish your treatment with orthodontic braces, your teeth will look straighter and aligned. But you may still have some misshapen or discolored teeth.

So yes, once your braces have been removed and your teeth are aligned, you can indeed use dental bonding to further enhance the appearance of your smile. 

The procedure is usually carried out in a single appointment and is completely pain-free. You can choose to have all your front teeth have squared or round edges. And any tooth that is misshapen or looks shorter than others will be fixed with help of dental bonding.

Remember, you do not need any teeth whitening treatment after using dental bonding. So if you need to whiten your teeth, inform your dentist and get that done first.

How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?

Dental bonding can be easily repaired or removed if you are not happy with it. The only downside to dental bonding is that it doesn’t last forever. The average lifespan for dental bonding is 5-10 years. 

After that, the resin tends to wear off due to natural wear and tear caused by eating.

But with good care, dental bonding can last 10 years or more.

 Twice a day, brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush and floss every night to clean your teeth. You must also reduce the intake of acidic or heavily pigmented foods like turmeric, berries, coffee, tea, etc. that can leave stains on the resin. 

Brush your teeth immediately afterward consuming such food to preserve the dental bonding procedure.

How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost?

Most cosmetic and orthodontic procedures like braces tend to be expensive. But dental bonding is comparatively cheaper and hence the ideal solution to perfect your smile after braces.

The cost of dental bonding depends on various factors such as your location, experience of a dentist, quality of service provided, etc. 

The average cost of dental bonding in the USA is $300 per tooth. Some insurance plans do cover the cost so check with your insurance provider to see if the expense is deductible.

Should You Get Dental Bonding With Braces?

Every case is different so it is best to consult a dentist and see if they think it is the right way to get your dream smile. If you need a reliable dentist in Austin, Tx for both braces and dental bonding, do consider Dr. Mike Shalaby and Dr. Mark Shalaby at Paradigm Dental.

They are passionate about cosmetic dentistry and highly skilled to craft a beautiful smile for you. So call up Paradigm Dental clinic or visit their website to find out more about their services or to schedule an appointment for a consultation.


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